In 2010, Sheffield Tree Project was  awarded the Tree City USA designation by the National Arbor Day Foundation. STP worked toward this goal since its inception, when a dedicated and passionate group of citizens planted 35 disease-resistant American elms along the town’s streets in 1997.

The Sheffield Tree Project attained Tree City USA status for Sheffield by meeting four standards for more than three consecutive years. The standards are:
1) Maintaining a Community Tree Committee.
2) Maintaining a Community Tree Ordinance (in Massachusetts, Chapter 87 of the Massachusetts General Laws satisfies this requirement. STP is promoting the development of a stronger, local ordinance as well).
3) Maintaining a Community Forestry Program with an annual budget of at least $2.00 per capita (in Sheffield, the efforts of STP and its volunteers are coupled with the Tree Warden’s budget to satisfy this requirement).
4) Maintaining an annual Arbor Day Celebration and Proclamation (STP holds a
celebration each Arbor Day to dedicate a planting and read the proclamation).

The Tree City USA designation is administered in Massachusetts by the Urban Forestry Program of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. DCR Community Action Forester Alan Snow presented the award to Sheffield on Monday, October 18, 2010 at Town Hall.